The defeat of the joints, osteoarthritis happens for a variety of reasons, but the consequences of the disease have a significant negative impact on the living conditions of the people. If you have osteoarthritis of the knee joint, it is important to note that the disease is one of the most common among all types of arthritis. The ratio of the identified diagnoses by gender shows that suffer more frequently from osteoarthritis of the knee the patients of the female sex. The worldwide statistics indicate that about 22% of the world's population suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee.

What reasons can lead to king's meadow osteoarthritis?
The causes of osteoarthritis requires long-term investigation of patients, and the study of the clinical picture of the pathological process. The doctors have that under the influence of certain negative factors in the destruction of the cartilage, it wears out and no longer protect the joint. The friction between the heads of the joint, which causes pain and inflammation. So, the main reasons for the destruction of cartilage tissue were:
- Injury to the knee. If a Person in any period of his life suffered a fracture or dislocation of the knee, he belongs to the group of the risk for later osteoarthritis to develop. In the case of damage to the wrist hindered his movement and curative therapy provides its fixation. Long remain in the silence leads to disruption of blood flow, which promotes also the formation of osteoarthritis.
- Injury to the meniscus. One of the most dangerous causes. Any damage to the body of the knee joint invariably leads to the formation of osteoarthritis of the knee.
- Heavy physical load. Especially careful to handle strenuous physical stress on the king's lawn of the elderly. Strong pressure on the knee joint, which weakens with age, can lead to microtrauma, which is not shown immediately, but then leads to the formation of a negative process of destruction of the cartilage After 40 years, the king to protect the meadow and for the Sport and the hard work is appropriate, a reduction of their number. You waive all such exercises, such as squatting or running on Asphalt.
- The weak structure of the bands. In General, it leads to an abnormal mobility of the joints. Pleasant flexibility of the body in youth, in old age, impact on the state of the knee joint and lead to the development of osteoarthritis of the knee.
- Other diseases of the joints. If a Person, for example, Arthritis is recognized, it will, in time, can be converted into a osteoarthritis.
- A large weight. Extra pounds increase the load on the king's meadow, perhaps, is the emergence of injury to the meniscus. If you are overweight, the Situation is worse, develops a osteoarthritis. If a Person has varicose veins, with more weight, it has a very severe Form of osteoarthritis of the knee can develop.
- Problems with the metabolism. Disorders in the metabolism to provoke poor's receipt of the required elements in the tissue. Adjacent cartilage and less bone use calcium, which leads to the destruction and weakening of your structure.
- Stress and nervousness. Common concerns and experiences, have their negative impact on the condition of the joints. Emotionally, women are more likely to Stress. To endure a particularly hard nervous stress women, whose age is approaching the 50-year-old, because there is a time of menopause.
Characteristics of the degree of osteoarthritis of the knee
In medicine, osteoarthritis of the joints of the king's meadow divided on the dimensions of the Standard in accordance with the character of the development. In addition, to the extent of the lesion, the disease can be bilateral and unilateral. Unilateral osteoarthritis of the knee on the right-sided and left-sided. More information about the disease of a specialist in this Video:
For each extent of the disease consists of the clinical picture, the severity of his development shows.
The first degree
Osteoarthritis of the knee reveal 1 degree – this is a great success for the physician and the patient. The disease in this stage has no distinct clinical symptoms. Disease.the diagnosis at the time of sickness or in the investigation of another disease
The second stage

In the symptomatology of arthrosis of the king's meadow 2 degrees, there are new signs of the disease. Heavy reinforced pain and stiffness in the area of the knee. The muscles in the affected place wither away due to the fact that the man begins to protect the sick Co extremity, less burdened. The deformity of the joint, where it is impossible, starts to fully stretch the king's meadow. On Palpation of the expert a abnormal education recognizes. Gradually, a deformation of the joint develops. King's meadow unbowed bad.
The Third Stage
Osteoarthritis of the king's meadow 3 degree makes a permanent pain. The deformation reaches a critical volume, at which the leg no longer bend and relax, the Person will go hard to, to immobility of legs. In the absence of proper treatment, developed in the affected joint ankylosis. Tissue cartilage is completely destroyed, the friction of the joints is increasing. The Situation occurs if, in the case of arthrosis of the king's meadow surgery is the only effective method of treatment.
Typical symptoms of osteoarthritis-king meadow
Determine the presence of osteoarthritis of the knee is in situation, only an expert, but important for the patient to know for the most important arthritis of the knee symptoms. For the disease characterized by the following features:
- Pain syndrome. Pain in the king's meadow in osteoarthritis does not appear immediately. Smaller your symptoms people may disturb for a couple of years. Then, an amplification of pain occurs, stop and in a calm state, necessarily arise after a long walk.
- The Crunch.In 2 and 3 stages of clear crunch, listened to in the king's meadow.
- Synovitis. The accumulation of fluid in the affected knee-joint leads to swelling in the king's meadow, in the case of osteoarthritis, the doctors call Baker cyst.
- Malalignment of the knee joint.Appears in a late stage of the disease. Accompanied by inflammation and edema.
As osteoarthritis of the knee diagnosed?
Diagnostic tool a doctor works in a normal clinic, the radiological examination of the patient. With the help of the x-ray specialist of the degree of development of the pathological process can be seen. In addition, the x-ray possible cause of unpleasant sensations tumors and other diseases to eliminate.
In the early stages of osteoarthritis of the knee is weak, in the picture there are no significant changes. In the diagnosis the doctor may prescribe a re-examination by a certain period of time. In the development of the disease, an x-ray joint space narrowing, shows the seal in the subchondral region of the joint. It is important, taking into account the fact that for older patients, characteristic changes in the joints, but always these changes are leading to the development of the pathology. Only a combination of features of osteoarthritis of the knee, on the image visible and obvious clinical symptoms allow the skilled person to the presence in humans of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Progressive methods of treatment of the disease
jpg" class='imgblock right center_mob'>Modern medicine is constantly on the lookout for, as king meadow-treat osteoarthritis effectively, and find new ways in dealing with a dangerous disease. Today, patients are such methods, such as ozone therapy and kinesiotherapy.
Ozone therapy is a treatment of the affected joint ozone. Refers to physiotherapy and allows the entry of ozonated medicines by injection into muscle tissue. Homeopathic anti-inflammatory and analgesic, effective blood flow to the problem area helps improve. The method has no contraindications.
Kinesio therapy is a complex of special exercises to improve the mobility of joints, strengthening of the blood circulation in the patient's body, the recovery of tissue from the affected cartilage, and the elasticity of the bands. For the execution of the exercises with special training devices. In the work of not only the affected joint, but also all systems of the body are lead, so that in the best state of the organism of the patient.
Exercise therapy in osteoarthritis of the king's meadow
The effectiveness of physiotherapy in osteoarthritis of the knee demonstrated its long-time use, and the enthusiastic responses of patients get through physical therapy, motor function in the limbs. Of course, developed exercises should be one of the parts of the complex treatment of the disease. How would you do without medicines and physiotherapy fully valid change for the better is impossible. The main principle of the CS: no loads on the affected joint, just checked and quiet movements. At home, you a simple exercise that improves the blood circulation and helps relieve muscle cramps. You have to lie on your back, lift one straightened leg and hold it a few seconds in limbo. It makes sense to just lifting the legs alternately while in the same starting position.
The specifics of Massage for osteoarthritis of the knee
A useful addition to the medical tactic is used to a Massage for osteoarthritis of the knee. Even the most experienced experts believe that the Massage is necessary in the treatment of this disease. If you intend to massage the knee for osteoarthritis in the home, you must adhere to certain rules. Before beginning the Massage you should warm the king's meadow. For this purpose a warm bath or to keep the king's meadow under the hot shower, but the process is not abused should need. For the effectiveness of the Massage, you must carry out each day, time spent 10-15 minutes on a session. In Massage osteoarthritis of the knee three basic techniques: stroking, kneading and rubbing. The movement, then repeat 3-6 times. If you hurt a king's meadow, massage, and a healthy limb.
Treatment methods for osteoarthritis of the knee by leading experts
The Problem of effective treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee are concerned, many scientists and doctors. Some of them have already been significant results in the fight against the dangerous disease. In our country special attention to the methods of Dr. Bubnovskaya, and the doctor deserve rheumatologist evdokimenko.

Method Bubnovskaya
The doctor of medical Sciences S. M. Bubnovsky, developed a unique medical complex in which he dispensed medications and surgical procedures. The starting point of his method, the factor was that the osteoarthritis of the knee is a reduction in the production of synovial fluid. When the fat disappears, the joint will no longer work properly. The tactics of treatment after the Bubnovsky involves the use of physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy. The selection of the exercises and procedures individually performed, the doctor focuses on the health condition of the patient and the severity of the disease. After studying the x-ray images, the doctor the therapeutic Plan builds. In the case of poor physical condition of the patient assigned to him / her light exercises. With time, you will become more and more complex, and by regularly, the Patient may have the following results:
- Normalization of the supply of cartilage and bone tissue;
- the disappearance of the pain;
- Improvement of the cell structure of the cartilage;
- the complete restoration of the motor functions of the knee.
In addition, Dr. Bubnovsky further recommendations will be made. The expert advises patients to swim in the osteoarthritis of the knee active, going to the courses of therapeutic Massage, to visit a bathroom. For the relief of pain, the taking of showers or applying it to the painful end of king's meadow cold compress can.
Method Evdokimenko
The doctor-rheumatologist evdokimenko his approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. In his methodology of two components: medication and physical therapy used.
Osteoarthritis of the knee evdokimenko used a number of drugs, including:
- non-steroidal agents, cleaning pain and inflammation;
- intra-articular injections, which are able to occur quickly, discomfort in the joint of pathological processes;
- chondroprotectors, at the expense of the workers, the components recovered cartilage;
- analgesic gels, ointments and creams;
- Compresses.
The effect of the drugs and the combined effects on the lesion evdokimenko proposes to carry out the physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy and the use of techniques of manual therapy. It follows the methodology evdokimenko, and begin treatment at an early stage, so you can stop the process completely for 1 year. At 2 degree of affliction will take several years to guide the joint back to normal and back to his natural agility. Methodology evdokimenko not used in the treatment of grade 3 osteoarthritis of the knee. The doctor is not claimed without reason that in this stage of the patients is surgical Intervention. In the number of the specific recommendations of evdokimenko tip belongs to, to follow a diet and your diet, to improve metabolism and help the tissue of the cartilage and the joint, get all of the useful elements.
How to properly diet to build osteoarthritis of the knee?
The task of the patients with obesity as you build your diet, the foods with low calorie content and rich range of useful substances. Sharp rejection of food by fasting helps to lose weight fast, but it creates a stress situation for the body and can worsen the Situation.

The approximate daily menu for osteoarthritis of the knee can be as follows:
- Breakfast. Oatmeal on the water (without salt and sugar), 1 hard-boiled egg and a glass of fruit juice.
- The second Breakfast. 1 Cup of low-fat yogurt (natural color).
- Lunch. Steamed varieties with a piece of meat or fish, low-fat. Unsweetened Tea.
- Mid-morning snack. Curd Casserole. A handful of nuts and 1 Cup of fruit juice.
- Dinner. Can-salad, Apple, unsweetened tea.
- The second dinner. 1 Cup 1% or fat-free yogurt.
Meal times you can expect according to the usual way, but the last dose should be conducted not later than 19.
Prevention against osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a serious and dangerous disease that can change your life for the worse. The treatment of the disease takes time, requires patients to have patience and also certain restrictions in habits and diet. If you never want to be confronted with similar problems, and keep your king meadow at a young age